最新消息 > 熱門ERB會計課程 ‧ 即將開課

簿記(LCCI Level 1 Bookkeeping Examination)基礎證書

  • Books of original entry and double-entry (原始分錄簿及複式簿記)
  • Accounting for payroll (會計薪酬表)
  • Control accounts (統制帳戶)
  • Produce financial statements of a sole trader (準備獨家經營的財務報表)

簿記及會計 (LCCI Level 2 Bookkeeping and Accounting Examination) 基礎證書

  • Recording financial transactions (紀錄財務交易)
  • Control accounts (統制帳戶)
  • Correction of errors and the journal (更正錯誤及分錄簿)
  • Adjustments in financial  statements (財務報表的調整)
  • Preparation of financial statements (財務報表的準備)
  • Accounting ratios (會計比率)

會計實務 (LCCI Level 3 Accounting Examination) 證書

  • Accounting concepts and framework (會計概念及架構)
  • Recording financial transactions (紀錄財務交易)
  • Preparation of an extended trial balance (擴展試算表的準備)
  • Preparation of financial statements (財務報表的準備)
  • Preparation of accounting from incomplete records (不完整紀錄的準備)
  • Interpretation of financial statements (財務報表的詮釋)
  • Budgetary control (預算控制)
  • Introduction to decision making (決策入門)